Monday, December 06, 2004


Attention unrealistic turtle puppet fans, SNAPPER has got a brand new pimp! The fine folks over at TECHNOBOHEMIA.COM have a coming attractions spot posted on their site. They will have a streaming video of the Snapper saga coming very soon! Keep watching for updates! All you folks who are unsure about buying a film you know nothing about will soon be able to get a look at the majestic turd we have to offer!

If you're super brave, why wait? You can purchase your deluxe copy of SNAPPER via the PayPal link in the right hand column.

If you're less than brave, but curious, I have a few early versions of the DVD laying about that I can offer for FREE! No fancy case, no lovely case inserts, and no SNAPPER REVENGE. You'll only get the DVD in a paper sleeve containing SNAPPER and SNAPPER IN THE RAW. If you want a freebie, just send us your Postal mailing address, US or Canadian, to We'll send you a promo disc absolutely free! Supplies of the freebie are VERY limited! Act now!