It's finally here! The rough version of SNAPPER PROGENY is now available to watch online! Just click the image below to watch it. There's still some tweaking to be done, but we hope you will enjoy the most recent addition to the Snapper Saga. It's complete crap, literally. Eventually, a more 'polished' version will appear on the next edition of our Snapper Saga DVD.

We also have another act of stupidity for your consideration. Click the image below to watch our 'poop joke' send up of the sci-fi classic Logan's Run. Shot years ago in lovely downtown Knoxville, Tennessee, LOGAN RUNS focuses on a Sandman who desperately needs to find a bit of Sanctuary.

Well, that pretty much does it as far as new SNAPPER stuff for 2005. It's been a decent year for our rampaging reptile. We've received some cool feedback, sold some DVDs, ran some promos and met some interesting Snapper Fans lurking in the far flung corners of the USA.
I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who's been a part of what we've done and/or used their own precious free time to further our idiotic projects.
Dave, Sky and Cro-Mag, without your memorable characters and ad-libbed tomfoolery, there'd be no Snapper at all! You guys are the best!
As for tech support, we would have never gotten online or even off the ground had it not been for the time and efforts of Xyon and The Ringmaster over at Kudos to you both! Thanks for your time and patience.
For everyone out there that watched Snapper, bought a DVD, responded to our promos, forced your friends to watch Snapper and/or furthered our cause in any way, THANK YOU on behalf of everyone here at Southernecrology Productions!
2006 will be the year of the final Snapper video. SNAPPER CARNAGE will bring all this crap to a fitting conclusion. Be sure and visit us in the new year for updates on the final project! Next year will also see the Snapper Comic finished, believe it or not...and yes Ringmaster, PAYBACK will be included.
Until then, everyone have a great holiday season while spreading rampant stupidity!
We also have another act of stupidity for your consideration. Click the image below to watch our 'poop joke' send up of the sci-fi classic Logan's Run. Shot years ago in lovely downtown Knoxville, Tennessee, LOGAN RUNS focuses on a Sandman who desperately needs to find a bit of Sanctuary.
Well, that pretty much does it as far as new SNAPPER stuff for 2005. It's been a decent year for our rampaging reptile. We've received some cool feedback, sold some DVDs, ran some promos and met some interesting Snapper Fans lurking in the far flung corners of the USA.
I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who's been a part of what we've done and/or used their own precious free time to further our idiotic projects.
Dave, Sky and Cro-Mag, without your memorable characters and ad-libbed tomfoolery, there'd be no Snapper at all! You guys are the best!
As for tech support, we would have never gotten online or even off the ground had it not been for the time and efforts of Xyon and The Ringmaster over at Kudos to you both! Thanks for your time and patience.
For everyone out there that watched Snapper, bought a DVD, responded to our promos, forced your friends to watch Snapper and/or furthered our cause in any way, THANK YOU on behalf of everyone here at Southernecrology Productions!
2006 will be the year of the final Snapper video. SNAPPER CARNAGE will bring all this crap to a fitting conclusion. Be sure and visit us in the new year for updates on the final project! Next year will also see the Snapper Comic finished, believe it or not...and yes Ringmaster, PAYBACK will be included.
Until then, everyone have a great holiday season while spreading rampant stupidity!