Tuesday, November 02, 2004


The SNAPPER DVD is now available for purchase via PayPal! Product details, pricing, and the PayPal purchase link can be found in the column to the right. See for yourself the unbridled, Z-Grade, no budget, comedic horror of the only 'film' based on the legendary giant snapping turtle of Ulanawa Lake! See SNAPPER!

Below is the only known photograph of the Ulanawa Lake creature. It is shown peering out from under a rocky lake bank. The photo was developed from film in a blood encrusted camera found by the lakeshore. It was the last shot taken.

I would like to personally thank everyone who has expressed interest in the project. Whether you bought a DVD, bought a shirt, responded to our earlier free promos, left us a review via the comments or e-mail, wrote about us on your blog/website, forced your friends to watch SNAPPER, or helped to spread the word of our turd in any way at all. Thank you from the bottom of our bowels! May the powers that be bless every last one of you!

A very special thanks goes out to everyone in our small group involved in the production of this abomination! The effort and dedication you have all poured into this project will never be forgotten, nor forgiven. Be proud, your names are etched forever in the annals of cinematic trash!

...And as always, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU FISH FOR!!!!