We'd like to take a moment to thank the kind soul in NYC who recently purchased a black SNAPPER T-Shirt! You commitment to crap is highly appreciated! Wear it with pride and tell everyone you know about the turdacious foolishness that is SNAPPER!
Kudos also to another recent recipient of a SNAPPER girlie top from right here in our shit bucket state of Tennessee! She even sent us a picture.

Hell, send us pics of yourselves in your SNAPPER swag and we'll post 'em here on the ever on hiatus Snapper Blog!
Kudos also to another recent recipient of a SNAPPER girlie top from right here in our shit bucket state of Tennessee! She even sent us a picture.
Hell, send us pics of yourselves in your SNAPPER swag and we'll post 'em here on the ever on hiatus Snapper Blog!